Partial opening of the Kasbah of Agadir Oufella
The Agadir Oufella site will be partially open to the public from mid-July 2022, two years after the start of work.
For the moment, the visit will concern the exterior spaces of the ramparts, given that the interior of the fortress is still under construction for a few more months (completion of the decking, signage, etc.). The restaurants, for their part, will be operational after the appointment of a manager, following a Call for Expressions of Interest, the procedure of which is in progress.
It should be noted that the rehabilitation and redevelopment project of Agadir Oufella (Agadir-Ighir) is part of the Urban Development Program of the city of Agadir (2020-2024) and that it was entrusted to the Société de Souss Massa Tourist Development, as delegated project owner of the project.
Despite the repercussions of the “Covid-19” pandemic and its negative impact on the pace of work and the supply of raw materials, particularly imported ones, the work progressed according to the planned schedule.

- The restoration of walls and reconstructions according to precise scientific standards and according to data prior to the 1960 earthquake;
- The restoration, consolidation and strengthening of the defensive towers of the Kasbah;
- The construction and development of a platform, located at the same level as the Kasbah, dedicated to service facilities: spaces for catering, tourist information office, premises for security services, sanitary equipment, etc.;
- The construction and development of a platform located at the bottom of the site for the reception and orientation of visitors;
- The rehabilitation and development of pedestrian paths leading to Agadir Oufella;
- The lighting of the East and South walls and main entrance;
- The installation of information and orientation signage outside the Kasbah;
- Planting the surrounding areas of the Kasbah with argan trees and accompanying species.
- The installation of a wooden decking (the progress of which has exceeded 85%) allowing visitors to discover the interior of the Kasbah according to the layout of its paths before the earthquake;
- The finalization of the lighting of the Kasbah to finally encompass all of the walls;
- Installation of signage inside the Kasbah;
- Completion of planting work.